What it’ss like over here
Get a glimpse of what it means to be a maven, always at the peak of your career in an environment designed to maximize your growth.
We have worked intentionally to create the right environment for thinkers and doers so we can maximize their potential. That’s why we have invested in building a day to day with the right dance between creativity and process.
It‘s not that simple: every corner has been designed to boost the right collision of smart minds. You will see people working, coding, researching, playing, and thinking. But one thing doesn’t change in our days: we don’t want to leave before we experience the pleasure of working with each other.

We must admit—we like to do things differently. When it comes to hiring, we are interested in what you can bring to the table beyond your experience and education pedigree.
That’s why we invested time in developing a process that will give candidates a real taste of the job reality in mavens as we get a real picture of your whole talent.
Someone once said you can recognize a maven by the way they change the room when they enter: a fresh perspective or new insight. A unique angle on things. We’re interested in interesting people—you might just be one.

"Balancing work and life here is a priority. I can thrive in both my career and personal life."

"The culture here allows me to lead confidently. I have the freedom to push boundaries."

"Working here means growing. The development opportunities are endless."

"I’m given space to drive innovation and the trust to make decisions that have impact."

"The culture of continuous improvement fuels my personal and professional development."

"Growth in mavens is a reality. I’m constantly being challenged in new ways."
We believe that boasting about perks and benefits is just another marketing line. Instead, here are the two most important guiding principles for our teams:
Walking the walk when it comes to humanity at work. We are open to exploring difficult conversations at work and making sure every single person feels seen.
Creating psychological safety. Not only because it fosters the highest-performing teams, but also because it's the key to encouraging risk-taking and generating innovative, out-of-the-box solutions.